YM is a neat program that offers a lot of different programs for the community. They have 2 (or maybe 3) orphanages, a feeding program, community support groups for women with HIV which includes teaching them to make different things in order to make a living, and a sponsorship program. On of our team members family's sponsor a little girl from YM and Zack was able to meet her on this day.
This was our first glimpse at how important sponsorship is to many of the kids in Ethiopia. You will read more about that later! After hearing about the program and meeting Zack's sponsor girl we loaded back up and headed to where the feeding program would take place.

There we played with the kids, painted fingernails (which was a big hit everywhere we went), served lunch and just loved on those kiddos. Many of the kids there were just children from the area and they were there with their parents. We had a great time there.
After a while it was time for the children to go home so we loaded back up and headed to El Olam Orphanage. This is an orphanage that not too long ago was not doing too well and many of the children there were very malnourished and sick. Last year a girl on this very same trip was so touched by what she saw in ET that she packed up and moved there to work in Korah. Recently she was asked to take over this orphanage and what a difference she has made in the children there.

These kids were beautiful and happy! The orphanage is beautiful too. We had a great time playing with and getting to know the kids there as well. We made tshirts and mugs with them and they blessed us by singing for us before we left for the day. I am not allowed to post photos of the kids in the orphanages but trust me when I say they are all beautiful and well loved and cared for!
My days are all mixed up since I have gotten home, but I am pretty sure they we ate at Bon that night. It is a nice "American" restaurant in Addis. We had a great time laughing and hanging out with our team!
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